Skegby Junior Academy

Totally Active


150 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2016

Connecting with Nature

Skegby Junior Academy have had a very busy and productive year creating their own amazing 'Eco-Garden'.  The children have been repsonsible for helping to create a range of learning zones within their school grounds and have produced a fantastic video that takes us on a tour of their garden.  There is a productive growing plot, tended by the children, where a wide range of vegetables and flowers are grown.  The school's Eco Club hold a market to sell their produce to parents and they've even been making their own jam, chutneys and pickled betroot.  The children have also created a wonderful sensory garden and have thought carefully about the colours, smells and sounds that can make it a relaxing place to be.

There are many more fantastic activities that the children are involved in: building bug and hedgehog hotels; making thier own bird feed; planting trees; creating a fairy garden and a fantastic story circle; and making some spectacular willow sculptures. Skegby Junior Academy must be congratulated on the many wonderful outdoor learning opportuniuties thaey have created in their school garden.  It is fantastic to see such great whole school involvement and the enthusiasm and enjoyment shown by the children.