Greenbrae School

Totally Clued Up


35 Pupils Involved
  • Runner Up 2018

Battery Recycling/ Inspiring Nature

Greenbrae School's lunchtime nature club has taken part in a fantastic range of environmental activities this year including (to name but a few) dissecting owl pellets, making nest boxes, taking part in the RSPB Birdwatch, bird ringing with local scientists, worm counting and a beach clean-up!  It is particularly impressive that the children had the opportunity to meet local experts and that they involved the local community in some of their initiatives, such as the beach clean-up.

Greenbrae School should also be congratulated for their fantastic efforts at battery recycling - collecting 15,000 batteries in just 3 months is a considerable achievement and has made a real impact on their local environment by saving those batteries from going to landfill.