Ryhall C E Academy

Totally Active


50 Pupils Involved
  • Highly Commended 2016

Compost, Compost, Compost & Totally Active in Our School Grounds

Ryhall CE Academy has fully embraced composting and had lots of fun doing so!  An excellent Powerpoint presentation shows how the children have researched how to make compost and have set up composting materials collection points around their school.  They have then purchased a rolling composter and the whole school has had great fun trying it out and learning how to work as a team to operate it.  It is fantastic to see the children's involvement and enjoyment in such a worthwhile project.

A second Powerpoint presentation tells us all about the many environmental activities taking place in Ryhall CE Academy's school grounds.  These include the making of information cards to teach children about the wildlife in their school garden; designing and making bird boxes and feeders using recycled materials; and producing anti-littering and recycling posters.  This is topped off with a great eco-news report video made by the children and featuring fantastic achievements such as a bug home, a bottle greenhouse and a productive vegetable patch.  Ryhall CE Academy is clearly a school that has fully embraced the environment and outdoor learning; the benefits and enjoyment for the children are fantastic to see.