Argyle Primary School

Totally Clued Up

South/ Central

430 Pupils Involved
  • Highly Commended 2016

Seed to Supper: Cultivating Creative Links in the Curriculum

Argyle Primary School produced a beautiful book that encapsulates their learning about where our food comes from.  Located in the heart of London, teachers felt that many of the children had a limited understanding of where their food came from.  During the last year they have been busy broadening the range and quality of fruit and vegetables grown in the school garden.  Now every child at the school is involved in growing, harvesting and preparing fruit and vegetables.  The children have learnt about how plants grow and how to eat healthily; they've also studied the impacts of food waste and food miles.  The school has their own wood-fired outdoor oven, on which the children can try out recipes, helping them make the link between what they grow and what they eat.  Arglye Primary School must be congratulated on the breadth of their study and the way in which they've included so many children, encouraging them to learn more about the natural world.