Upton Snodsbury First School

Totally Active

South/ Central

28 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2019

#Plastic Planet Promise

Upton Snodsbury First School's project focused on plastic pollution and culminated with an ongoing social media campaign.  To start, the children researched plastic pollution and were so upset by what they learned that they decided to take the work further. The children looked at the changes they could make in their own lives and how they could help others change.

From this they created an action plan, thinking of how they could inform a range of different audiences and learning styles.  The children have not only learnt about the effect of plastic but they have been inspired, self-motivated and have realised that this is just a beginning of a journey. They have also seen, especially via social media, that a tiny school  of less than 70 children can create ripples, which in turn can make big waves.  You can find our more here:  http://www.uptonsnodsburyfirstschool.org.uk/children/childrens-eco-page