Heswall Primary School

Green Creators


1000 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Champion 2023

#HeswallOceanBlue: ' A Climate in Chaos'

The children of Heswall primary school wrote a collaborative eco film - 'A Climate in Chaos', as part of their #heswalloceanblue campaign that began in 2019.  #heswalloceanblue is a campaign to reduce single use plastics that was started in 2019 and is now a vital element of the ethos of the school.

Heswall Primary has been committed to encouraging pupils, staff and the wider community to pursue a more environmentally friendly life style for many years.

A Climate in Chaos was inspired by author Neal Layton and made for Wirral Science in the Sunshine, is a large scale event run by Heswall Primary to provide an opportunity for local school children, teachers and community members to network with environmental and scientific organisations from across Wirral.  Over 1,000 people from 50 organisations took part.  

Before the event, Heswall Primary held a ‘climate summit’ for Wirral schools to discuss the changes they could make to combat the effects of climate change with local environmental organisations..  

Heswall pupils understand they are the future guardians of the planet- they wear their #heswalloceanblue t shirts with pride and spread the message of reducing use of single use plastics wherever they go.  And they did an amazing job of explaining climate change with their film too!